Seeing bad news about American cities feels like a weird family story you can’t escape and know you’ll eventually need to confront. Places like San Francisco seem uninhabitable from my phone. At this point theres too much visual evidence of americas decaying infrastructure to not acknowledge. The lack of police makes dangerous places more dangerous. You’re either working as a barista and trying to float through life or you’re the main character in GTA. Imagine a tourism industry popping up where the uppereschilan (not poor) stay in a shitty motel in Oakland and live as a lowtier druglord, like Gary Oldman in True Romance. You snort crystal meth and stab a guy. Maybe you end up in a hospital, having broke a finger and bad road rash on your left hip in an urban dirtbiking accident. You break out of the hospital and rape the first Chinese woman you see and steal $20 from her purse. That night you take the red eye home. Not once during your stay did you see a cop or hear a siren.
I don’t watch the news anymore, but If I’m curious I usually check out Info Wars or Grand Theft World, then NPR and VICE. Might as well mainline the daily’s and find out what the illuminati is up to. Jokes aside most of the articles I wrote about covid were sourced from those sites and I always gave links. It’s understandable why most polite people think Alex Jones is a nut, he is and it’s endearing. I’ve been a fan of him since the Sandy Hook shit popped off back in the day. Mass shootings aren’t always false flags. Maybe they just happen, maybe people let them happen and some weirdos benefit from the deaths. For all the philosophical talk about gun control, you know if you hear about a shooting you think about buying a Glock, at least for a moment. I’ll buy the mainstream narrative on that grimness - fool me once thats on me, but fake a public massacre then you’re toxic. 9/11 happened either way and Tower 7 was never even a building in the first place, which is the hoax no-one tells you about. That hardline libertarian stuff along with OG patriotism will always be respectable. Like Tom Wolfe said “Most stuff the Left calls right wing is simply American, like the flag.” A friend was visiting Florida from up north a few years ago, his lady and I got into a talk about a shirt Unified Right was planning to make with this picture. She (a white girl) said it was racist. She also said she was scared to come to Florida because it’s Trump land. As if theres bands of blood thirsty rednecks looking for a blonde liberal chick to scalp, which is weird because they should be out committing a hate crime against a minority, right? I think most people have a life and jobs that keep them grounded, not wondering around like NPC’s in someones political thriller fantasy.
My schizo libertarian brain want’s to believe AJ and the others that Soros, among other richo’s, are actively trying to destroy America. I suppose there’s evidence that they’re pointing to, but I’m not ready to let it influence me and go full Travis Bickle. I’m one of those normies that enjoys nice coffee and bird watching, not running into a government building and taking a selfie that will lock me in federal prison for 10 years.
Watching the video about Oakland made me think - If GS is really trying to destroy America by pushing progressives and gridlocking local governments in blue cities with woke word magick, then wouldn’t he see a few steps ahead and realize that this will only elect more republicans? Is GS actually the right wing savior of America?