The Goods 1/21/24
Information Warrior
I get nostalgic for the summer of 2021. I was working in a hot warehouse, taking excessive amounts of Delta 8 oil from a dropper, listening to hours of Grand Theft World, The Alex Jones Show, and other info warrior programs like The Corbett Report and Unlimited Hangout. It was at the peak of the mRNA vaccine rollout, with vaccine cards becoming mandatory for participation in society in MOST MAJOR CITIES IN THE WORLD. I'd be stoned to the bone, eating Chinese food on my lunch break, so visibly high that me and the cashier at the restaurant could pass as cousins. I'd sit in my car, eat orange chicken, and listen to AJ rant at high volume about DARPA's patent on MRNA technology dating back to 2017 (Maybe 2019, def pre-Covid.). I'd chew my food with a vacant stare and audibly say, "Woah." I'd take screenshots and timestamps to go back and verify the info. A shocking amount of the information I was absorbing was accurate. I presented it on this blog for about a year and a half before deleting and restarting it. I'll repost some of those articles in the future.
I miss those days. I felt like I had a mission. When I went to Art Basel as an out-of-the-closet "anti-vaxxer," I felt half like a leper and half like an outlaw. Secret head nods, and daps were exchanged with my undercover brethren. At that moment, I had no idea the world would return to a relatively normal state and people would conveniently forget the psychic warfare they were subjected to. It's now common for even the least skeptical people to talk about how the virus might have been a lab leak and not the wrath of god; they lie and say that the vaccine was never supposed to stop transmission, and just the other day, I saw a Moderna Covid vaccine commercial that said a side effect is "inflammation of the heart muscle”. . . Myocarditis.